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Principles of motivation and rapid decision making often determine whether or not a learne~~还有哪些类似的句子?于是,祝福语网的编辑为你收集整理了温柔文案短句干净英文锦集(56句)。在此温馨提醒你在浏览器收藏本页。


1、Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that drift ashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment.(近海勘探平台也可能会泄露石油,这样会导致油膜的形成,这些油膜漂流到海岸上而且会污染海滩,从而破坏了环境。)

2、He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.(他可能感觉到在看到巨大的发展机会时举债经营公司是一个错误。)

3、The rejuvenating ambience of autumn is immeasurably more ancient than even the calendar.(秋天那让人恢复青春活力的气氛远比历法还要古老。)

4、He started the car, which hummed smoothly.(他发动了汽车,汽车平稳地发出嗡嗡声。)

5、One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy".(最近的一项研究试图对这种“人类经济的生态透支”的程度进行计算。)

6、Tony picked himself up and set off along the track.(托尼慢慢站起,沿道跑起来。)

7、There are several reasons for this explosive growth.(一些原因促成了这种爆炸性增长。)

8、The news that we see those use network abduct children sometimes filled with apprehension.(我们有时看到那些利用网络诱拐儿童的新闻都心惊肉跳。)

9、It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new possibilities.(也感觉到制度的崩溃提供了新的可能。)

10、The buoy floated back and forth in the water.(浮标在水里漂来漂去。)

11、But in other troubled European economies, abnegation is less evident.(但是在其它陷入困境的欧洲国家却鲜有自我克制的案例。)

12、Latching relays use a pulse of current to actuate them, so they have very low thermoelectric drift.(闭锁继电器采用了一个电流脉冲进行激励,因此其热电漂移非常小。)

13、What's the drill for claiming expenses?(报销费用的手续是什么?)

14、Numerous notorious incidents abound.(臭名昭著的事件比比皆是。)

15、He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley.(他否认自己在理解力或才智方面,像杰出的赫克兹利那样有什么过人之处。)16990.nET

16、The controller sends signals to the power source to move the robot arm to a specific position and to actuate the end effectors.(控制器负责发送信号给动力源并驱使机器人手到达准确的位置,激活终端操作机构的运行。)

17、His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.(他处理事务的严重不当使得公司急需重组。)

18、With the job market booming and salaries rising, companies can expect to see high attrition in 2011.(随着就业市场复苏,薪酬水平上升,企业在2011年预计将出现较高的人员流动。)

19、Mr. Henderson is awful sarcastic in a speech and he'll make fun of her saying she didn't wake up.(亨德森先生说话就爱挖苦人,他一定会取笑她说的她没有醒来一事。)


20、He would study his surroundings for more answers, and might note how a forklift has the axle bend around or the R-Model lamp, examining the movement.(他会研究周围的环境以寻求更多的答案,可能还会记录下叉车的车轴是如何弯曲的,或者R型灯是如何的,从而检测运动。)

21、Too many people had too little patience for the grunt work necessary for long-term success.(太多的人都没有耐性为以后的成功去做眼下必需的苦差事。)

22、That aversion is usually healthy but not when deflation looms.(这样的厌恶通常是健康的但不是在现在通货紧缩还不明朗的时候。)

23、Their blood was not shed in vain.(他们的血没有白流。)

24、The object is to addle and not to elucidate.(其目的是为了混淆而不是为了阐明。)

25、He was apparently nicknamed "Stinky" because of his sarcastic attitude towards his friends.(由于他对朋友的言辞犀利讥讽,他获得了个外号叫“臭臭”。)

26、The machine runs smoothly.(机器运转平稳。)

27、Check that the doors, hood and trunk all open smoothly and close with solid sound.(检查(车)门、发动机罩和后备箱打开是否平稳,关闭是否牢固。)

28、think she's really explosive.(我觉得她非常有爆发力。)

29、Bound for Chicago from Zurich on the morning of May 8, the passengers of Swiss International Air Lines Flight 8 saw nothing amiss.(5月8日上午,在从苏黎世飞往芝加哥的客机上,乘坐瑞士国际航空公司第8次航班的乘客没有丝毫异样感觉。)

30、The prize is to perform for the Queen in the Royal Variety of Performance.(奖品是在皇家表演中为女王表演。)

31、We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift.(我们现在通过测量掩埋在漂流物中木头放射性的碳-14元素,以精确地确定冰川作用的时期。)

32、Exercise releases hormones that can improve mood and relieve stress, which can also help learning.(锻炼能释放荷尔蒙,荷尔蒙可以改善情绪和缓解压力,这也有助于学习。)

33、The vibration of the earthquake lasted two days.(地震的余波托运费了两天。)

34、Since 2006, in France, an unknown gang of thieves have been emptying supermarket safes, using nothing more than a drill and a modified vacuum cleaner.(自2006年起,法国有一个不知名的盗窃团伙专门开超市保险箱,所用的工具只有电钻和改造的真空吸尘器。)

35、In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.(19世纪,近亲婚配几乎导致了皇室宗族的灭绝。)

36、need the actual figures, not an estimate.(我需要确切的数字,而不是估计。)

37、Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.(经常大声并且长时间地笑。直到你笑得上气不接下气。)

38、But limitations abound.(但其局限性不少。)


39、He tended to stutter whenever he spoke to her, which tried her patience.(他一跟她讲话就结巴,这考验了她耐心极限。)

40、She softened her tone a little.(她稍稍缓和了一下语气。)

41、What do you think of food wasting according to your morality standard? 1. Amoral 2. Immoral or 3. Moral.(根据你的道德标准,你认为浪费食物是?1。与道德无关,2。不道德3。合乎道德。)

42、The abortive seeds only accumulated large absciss acid, which caused the abortion and inactivation.(败育的杉木涩籽中只积累较多的脱落酸,说明了败育涩籽的衰败和失活。)

43、The technique essentially measures bond vibration between atoms.(这种技术实际上测量的是原子间键的震动。)

44、Biography must to some extent delineate characters.(在某种程度上,传记一定要描述人物。)

45、Round ceiling lights lend a relaxed ambience and greatly enhance this area.(圆形吊灯提供了一个轻松的氛围并大大提高这个区域的品质。)

46、She poked fun at people's shortcomings with sarcastic remarks.(她用挖苦的话来取笑别人的缺点。)

47、The researchers are also trying a programme they call Micro-Trash Aversion Training.(研究人员同时也在尝试另外一个计划措施,他们称之为排斥垃圾碎片训练。)

48、The “intelligence” of the system is in the computer, not the capsule.(系统的“情报信息”存于电脑而非芯片中。)

49、'There's no need to be sarcastic,' she said.(“不必挖苦人嘛。”她说。)

50、His mordant wit appealed to students.(他那尖刻的妙语受到学生的欢迎。)

51、There have been proposals to drill for more oil.(有人提出了钻探更多石油的建议。)

52、Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature's time.(尽管在罗马帝国灭亡后的城市崩溃的几个世纪里,教堂的仪式一直保持着人们对计时的兴趣,但教堂的时间是自然的时间。)

53、Entitled "Can Twitter Make You Amoral?"(题为“碎碎念会使你变得不道德吗?”)

54、"The Nespresso coffee is more expensive per capsule," he shrugged.(他耸耸肩说:“雀巢的咖啡胶囊确实每颗更贵一点。”)

55、An elegant turn of phrase would not be amiss.(使用切确的转折语。)

56、Principles of motivation and rapid decision making often determine whether or not a learner will actuate known principles.(动机原理和快速决策通常能决定学习者是否能运用所学知识。)


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