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She sang on the backing track.(她是唱和声的。)。经过搜索的结果编辑整理了一些与温柔文案短句干净英文相关的信息,你会关注哪种句子呢?沟通可以帮助人们解决情感问题,微博里也能看到好句分享,很多悠长的句子让人深深地感动。

1、can say you abduct a high school student.(我可以告你诱拐中学生。)

2、He was jailed for five years as an alleged spy.(他被指控为间谍而被监禁了5年。)

3、To the poor stationarity of bent axle and the big vibration after remodeling, we redesign the bent axle.(针对改型后两缸机平稳性差、振动大的特点,我们对曲轴做了重新设计。)

4、Since 2006, in France, an unknown gang of thieves have been emptying supermarket safes, using nothing more than a drill and a modified vacuum cleaner.(自2006年起,法国有一个不知名的盗窃团伙专门开超市保险箱,所用的工具只有电钻和改造的真空吸尘器。)

5、The three poets, with their mouths open, looked at him aghast, and there was a thirsty yet unlyrical hatred in their eyes.(那三位诗人张咧着嘴,看得惊呆了。他们的眼里,露出强烈而不再有诗意的仇恨。)

6、The money was mysterious, and we were in awe of it.(钱是神秘的,我们对它望而生畏。)

7、The object is to addle and not to elucidate.(其目的是为了混淆而不是为了阐明。)

8、She sang on the backing track.(她是唱和声的。)

9、As if just riding a unicycle didn't look funny enough, add mallets and balls and you've got a truly wacky spectacle.(就好像仅仅骑独轮车看起来还不够滑稽一样,加上木槌和球,你就得到了一个真正古怪的景象。)

10、The scents associated with Libra are almond, rose, vanilla and violet.(杏仁,玫瑰,香草和紫罗兰。)

11、These volcanoes are so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack, leaving behind a vast hole, the caldera.(这些火山具有极强的爆发性,以至于在它们从一条大的裂缝中喷涌而出,留下了一个巨大的洞,也就是火山口。)

12、He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley.(他否认自己在理解力或才智方面,像杰出的赫克兹利那样有什么过人之处。)

13、It can transmit among people.(这种病毒能够在人群中传播。)

14、The Earth's magnetic field participating in a slow roll with Planet X such that no one on Earth could deny that something is amiss.(地球的磁场参加一个行星X慢滚地球这样的,没有人可以否认的东西不对劲。)

15、She hurried on the almond Sundays and.struck the match for the kettle in quite a dashing.(在有杏仁的那些星期日,她总是匆匆赶回家,精神抖擞地划火柴点火烧水。)

16、There is a large variety of good, inexpensive restaurants.(有多种物美价廉的餐馆。)

17、The vibration of the earthquake lasted two days.(地震的余波托运费了两天。)

18、The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.(这座岛屿有如此丰富多样的景色和野生动植物。)

19、Another really interesting museum actually in D.C. is the Spy Museum.(华盛顿特区另一个非常有趣的博物馆是间谍博物馆。)

20、He stood agape, the manuscript clutched in his hand.(他目瞪口呆地站着,手里紧握着那沓诗稿。)

21、The road petered out into a dirt track.(大道延伸到一条泥土小径。)

22、w, for some space the revellers stood agape, unable to understand all that had been done in such haste.(这些浪子们目瞪口呆地站着,不知道这样匆匆忙忙是为了什么。)

23、He put on the air of an aristocrat.(他摆出一副贵族的架势。)

24、The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.(密电门的余波让首次让公众一窥信息战的真面目。)

25、The wicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.(那个邪恶的继母叫她的两个女儿中的一个把她的大脚趾剪下来,以适应鞋子的大小。)

26、He was apparently nicknamed "Stinky" because of his sarcastic attitude towards his friends.(由于他对朋友的言辞犀利讥讽,他获得了个外号叫“臭臭”。)

27、Home Application: White Goods, Small Appliance, Kitchen Appliance, Smart Home, Micro Actuate.(家用电器:白色家电,小家电,厨房电器,智能家居,微型致动器。)

28、The rate of attrition among New York judges has spiked.(所以纽约州的法官流失率陡增。)

29、She had compiled pages of notes, but she had not yet got down to doing the actual writing.(她已辑录了多篇笔记,但她还没有着手实际的写作。)

30、Making the ancient art form into fashion, not only can develop more diversified forms of fashion design, but also can actuate the painting art a long history.(将古老的艺术表现形式通过现代服装的笔触化为时尚,不仅可以使现代服装形态更为多样化,也可以使彩绘艺术源远流长。)

31、Investors will be dealing with the aftermath for decades to come.(而投资者将在未来十年中疲于善后。)

32、Said his father, his rugged face shining in the ardour of self - abnegation.(他的父亲问,在他满是皱纹的脸上,闪耀着自我克制的热情。)

33、The higher we climbed, the more awe-inspiring the scenery became.(我们爬得越高,风景越是令人惊叹。)

34、He had attempted to abduct the two children.(他曾企图诱拐这两名儿童。)

35、She says the boat would be shaped like a capsule, powered by a small nuclear engine, and though there would be no sail, it would have a mast to hold a camera.(她说船将被制成胶囊形,由一个小型核动力引擎驱动,尽管不会有帆,但船上会有一个固定照相机的桅杆。)

36、If or else is in charge of him, of this child's true can complete addle.(假如再不管他,这孩子真的会彻底变坏的。)

37、His tone became brisk and businesslike.(他的语气变得自信干练而务实。)

38、Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools project (BIRT) is based on initial research work and code donated by Actuate to the Eclipse foundation.(Eclipse商业智能和报表工具项目(BIRT)是以actuate捐赠给Eclipse基金的初步研究工作和代码为基础的。)

39、You can take extracts of these in liquid or capsule form.(你可以服用由这些药用菌提取的口服液或胶囊。)

40、Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental.(如与实际的人、地、事有所雷同,纯属巧合。)

41、The warm fire, along with the aromatic rice and hot water wiped out our fatigue and hunger completely.(温暖的火、喷香的米饭和滚热的洗脚水,把我们身上的疲劳、饥饿都撵走了。)

42、He took that as an auspice of happiness.(他把那看作是幸福的征兆。)

43、Having diagnosed an ailment, many managers would try to buy a remedy.(在察觉到球队的弊病之后,很多主帅都会想着买入补救品。)

44、So how can you determine which ailment you have? Here's some information about causes and treatment that might help.(那么到底如何判断自己得了哪一种呢?我们在这里提供一些关于病因和治疗方法的信息,希望有所帮助。)16990.Net

45、However, such a lover of beauty and reason might look askance at much of the content on the Internet.(然而,他这样一位理性与美的热爱者可能会对互联网上的大部分信息投以怀疑的眼光。)

46、You have to drill into rocks much harder than those you normally encounter in oil fields.(你必须在岩石上打钻,而那些岩石比你通常在油田遇到的要硬得多。)

47、Reading the real meaning is interpretation, or be misreading, especially be arrant misreading.(阅读的真正含义在于解读,或者被误读,特别是被彻头彻尾的误读。)

48、He would study his surroundings for more answers, and might note how a forklift has the axle bend around or the R-Model lamp, examining the movement.(他会研究周围的环境以寻求更多的答案,可能还会记录下叉车的车轴是如何弯曲的,或者R型灯是如何的,从而检测运动。)

49、There is little tonal variety in his voice.(他的嗓音中几乎没有声调的变化。)

50、It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new possibilities.(也感觉到制度的崩溃提供了新的可能。)

51、Some other products don't seem to sink into the skin, but almond oil does.(其它产品似乎都不能被皮肤完全吸收,但是杏仁油可以。)

52、Entitled "Can Twitter Make You Amoral?"(题为“碎碎念会使你变得不道德吗?”)

53、In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.(19世纪,近亲婚配几乎导致了皇室宗族的灭绝。)

54、She poked fun at people's shortcomings with sarcastic remarks.(她用挖苦的话来取笑别人的缺点。)

55、The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive.(这枚炸弹装有几磅烈性炸药。)


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