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May the celebration of National Day remind us of the sacrifices made by our forefathers to~~你也对类似的句子感兴趣吗?以下是小编收集整理的“英语祝福短句有哪些(合集31条)”,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


1、On this National Day, let us honor the spirit and courage of our nation!

2、Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful National Day!

3、Let's celebrate the diversity and beauty of our great nation on this National Day!

4、Wishing everyone a peaceful, prosperous and joyful National Day celebration!

5、Happy National Day to the inspiring and visionary people of China!

6、Happy National Day! Let's uphold the values our country stands for!

7、May the spirit of patriotism and dedication continue to inspire us on this National Day. Happy Birthday, China!

8、Happy National Day! May our country prosper and flourish!

9、Let's take a moment to appreciate our great nation on this National Day!

10、Wishing you a happy National Day with peace, prosperity, and happiness!

11、On this National Day, let us take a moment to appreciate the beauty and richness of our country's culture and history. 在国庆节这一天,让我们花时间领略我们国家文化和历史的美丽和丰富。

12、Happy National Day! Let's honor our veterans and their families, and remember their sacrifices.

13、Let's raise our flag high and sing our national anthem with pride on this National Day! 在国庆节这一天,让我们高举我们的国旗,唱响我们的国歌,感到无比自豪!

14、Here's to a brighter future for our Nation! Happy National Day!

15、On this National Day, let's pledge to work towards creating a more tolerant, compassionate and caring society for all our citizens. 在这个国庆节上,让我们承诺为所有公民创造更加宽容、同情和关爱的社会而努力。

16、Let's remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers to secure our independence on this National Day!


17、Happy National Day! May your country continue to prosper and achieve success in all areas.

18、Wishing you a happy and peaceful National Day filled with gratitude and appreciation!

19、Happy National Day to all those who have contributed to the growth and development of our Nation!

20、Happy National Day to all the athletes and sports enthusiasts who represent our nation with pride and honor!

21、On this National Day, let's appreciate the natural resources and beauty of our country's environment!

22、Cheers to a prosperous and joyful National Day!

23、Let us celebrate our rich culture and heritage on this National Day and always!

24、Happy National Day to all those who love and cherish this great country!

25、Happy National Day and long live the People's Republic of China!

26、Always proud to be a citizen of this patriotic and amazing nation!

27、Celebrating the diversity and strength of our country!

28、May the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship continue to drive our nation towards success. Happy Birthday, China!

29、Wishing peace, success and prosperity to our homeland on this National Day!

30、Let us celebrate the amazing achievements and progress of our nation!

31、May the celebration of National Day remind us of the sacrifices made by our forefathers to ensure our freedom and independence.


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