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1、Happy 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! May we always strive towards a future of prosperity, unity, and progress for our country. 祝中华人民共和国建国71周年快乐!愿我们永远为我们国家的繁荣、团结和进步而努力。

2、May this National Day inspire us to work towards a brighter future for all our brothers and sisters.

3、Wishing you all a very happy and patriotic National Day!

4、Happy 70th National Day to one and all!

5、Let us always be grateful and proud of our country!

6、Let's celebrate our country's natural and cultural diversity on National Day!

7、Many happy returns on this joyous National Day!

8、Let us all unite and celebrate our country's rich and diverse cultural heritage!

9、Proud to call myself a citizen of China on this National Day.

10、May this National Day bring us all closer together in unity and love.

11、Let us come together as a nation and embrace the spirit of National Day.

12、Happy National Day to my fellow citizens!

13、Happy National Day! May we continue to work together to build a better, more prosperous country.

14、Happy National Day, and let's continue to work together towards a better tomorrow.

15、Happy National Day to you and your loved ones!

16、Let's celebrate the freedom and independence of our nation with great pride and honor. Happy National Day!

17、Happy National Day and let us all celebrate our unique identity, diversity and heritage!

18、Let's celebrate the unique beauty and richness of our country's culture on National Day.

19、Let us all work towards a future where our country can continue to lead and inspire the world!

20、Remembering the founding of the People's Republic of China on National Day!

21、Wishing you a happy and prosperous National Day, filled with blessings of love, peace, and joy.

22、Happy National Day, and let's cherish the blessing of being part of the Chinese family.

23、Wishing you a happy and joyous National Day, filled with blessings of love, peace, and prosperity for you and your loved ones.

24、Happy National Day to all my fellow citizens! Let us cherish and protect our country's freedom and unity.

25、Happy National Day! May the country's innovations and discoveries lead to great strides forward in all areas.

26、Let's take this opportunity to reflect on our country's past, present, and future, and to work towards an even brighter future for China and the world.


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