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When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, Happy Hallo~~你对类似的句子感兴趣吗?下面是祝福语网编辑为大家整理的“祝福短信英文17条”,不妨参考一下。希望你喜欢!


2、the journey of life is short and long enough for all of us to send forth the light of understanding.

3、God said: the so-called happiness, there is a thankful heart, a healthy body, the work of a Heart, a love you, a trusted friend to help, when you received this information, all subsequent owners!I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

4、we speak the same house for three years, long and short. In this unusual three years, our trials and hardships, and shoulder HAPPY Allison like the more to know the results, the heart is very upset, not just finished as a friend to participate in college entrance examination for the college entrance examination all friends no matter how we walk

5、Fate makes us know each other, and life separates us, like the moon and the stars, far away and always together.。

6、Ghost festival, you are not ghosts in the plot, if it a guilty conscience, it is better to be a happy ghost, Halloween is part of the ghost festival, ghost you have to cheer up ah.

7、献上最诚挚的祝福 祝多福多寿 愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。

8、want to feel your sweet embrace;


10、you will be great, great, great, great! Success in the college entrance examination!

11、Through a looking glass of a thousand stars,heavenly angels watch over us and bless us unaware.May health happiness and good times greet you each day of the new year.透过千万颗星星,天上的天使在默默看着我们、并无声地守护我们。愿健康安乐及美好时光伴你在新年的每一天。

12、May the magic of love twinkle in your lives throughout the holidays and the upcoming new year.愿爱的奇迹在你生命中闪耀,掠过圣诞、掠过来年。

13、years, only to have passed the examination, I wish you a college entrance examination score high, Liyudiaolongmen! Refueling.

14、, I firmly believe that we have paid the sweat, and have withstood the test, the ideal of the University Hall of the door will open for us, let us continue our hard but happy road of study!

15、I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together

16、It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bringin the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your lovedones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.

17、When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, Happy Halloween、


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