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为了让我们有更好的氛围,我们要去分享一些阳光励志的鸡汤语录给身边的人。 励志的话可以帮助我们更好地实现自我价值,大家知道怎么才能写出高级一点励志句子吗?您可以通过我们的帮助更全面地认识“健身语录励志的句子英文”,希望这些句子能够对你产生一些积极的影响请将它们保存下来!


1、Don't wish for it, work for it.



4、"No pain, no gain." - 无付出,无收获。

5、The pain of discipline is nothing compared to the pain of regret.

6、"Don't wish for it, work for it." - 不要祈祝,要去努力。


8、"Your body hears everything your mind says." - 你的身体听到你的脑子说的每一句话。


10、life is like a river, and the movement is antiseptic and stinky.

11、Stay motivated and keep pushing yourself in the gym every day.


13、Peoples sound, not only by foods, especially to rely on motion.人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。

14、"Strong is beautiful." - 强壮是美丽的。

15、now the flow of mouth water, will be the tears of tomorrow.

16、The new fad is led by Figurerobics, a training approach combining both muscular and aerobic training to rhythmic music。

17、life is motion, and human life is motion.

18、if you quit, do not come back, because the footprints we left on the road to success have been soaked in sweat.

19、Success comes to those who work for it.

20、a way of keeping good health, often for small labor, but very tired, and not the ear.

21、The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen.

22、Health is the condition of wisdom and the secret of pleasure.


24、"Every workout is progress." - 每一次的锻炼都是进步。


25、Every workout brings you one step closer to your goals.

26、health is not everything, but without health, there is nothing.

27、sports is the nourishing agent of life, and fitness is the beautician of youth.

28、walking is the best way for mental workers, especially for creative people, to be a kind of physical activity.

29、It begins. Are you coming? Or go back and continue to be a dead fat man, this is a mans game!

30、"Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood." - 锻炼不仅改变你的身体,还改变你的思绪、态度和心情。

31、People who do not manage their own bodies are not qualified to manage others; they do not manage their own health, and how to manage his career.

32、wide open, relaxed and happy mood, exercise, nutrition, drugs, health recovery Kuaizai

33、"Train like a beast, look like a beauty." - 像野兽一样训练,像美人一样看起来。


35、keep on practicing day after day. Only a moderate amount of activity can maintain the enthusiasm of training and improve the skills of exercise.

36、I like to walk, sports bring me a lot of fun.

37、I worked hard, and I didnt regret it, whether it was successful or not.

38、the best running, is you in a strange place, found a long violation of the moving. Run alone, unfetter, without restraint. One day, wear running shoes, take yourself, how far, how far.

39、This figure-keeping method is enthusiastically pursued by Chinese young men and women now。

40、The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.

41、Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.

42、"Fitness is not a destination, it’s a way of life." - 健身不是一个终点,而是一种生活方式。

43、everything has its natural, failing to take things calmly, proud when indifferent, frustrated when the calm. The more busy you are, the more you want to practice, practice good health care, confidence and perseverance, to cultivate the mind and mind.

44、Don't count the days, make the days count.

45、"No pain, no gain." - 痛苦的背后,是成功的甜蜜。

46、People who are healthy are often young.

47、"It never gets easier, you just get stronger." - 压力并不会变小,只是你变得更强大。


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